Passage #71: 3 November 2010

Beverly Hillbillies

On the ride this week, we attempt a maneuver known in the sports world as a "Reverse Clampett": first climbing the hills of Beverly (and beyond) and THEN seeking out a little bit of the black gold (devil's food donuts).

Things we will see include: many ritzy boutiques at which none of us will ever be able to afford to shop, some of the largest barrier hedges known to man, the Playboy mansion (well, the gate), and so many epic panoramic views that we will all become jaded.

Route Map

map71.jpg: 700x700, 140k (March 30, 2012, at 10:08 PM)

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Passage71_1070130.jpg: 700x525, 164k (November 05, 2010, at 03:54 AM)
Passage71_1070133.jpg: 700x525, 134k (November 05, 2010, at 03:54 AM)
Passage71_1070138.jpg: 700x525, 154k (November 05, 2010, at 03:54 AM)
Passage71_1070142.jpg: 700x525, 107k (November 05, 2010, at 03:54 AM)