Passage #118: 5 October 2011

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


Look up from your computer. Look outside. Is there water falling from the sky? There probably is. And, let's face it, you've probably already decided that you are not coming to the ride tonight.

But, BUT, we have a long history of the rain clearing up right before the ride begins. And there is every chance that will happen again (or, according to the forecast, actually a 70% 90% chance). If that happens, we will ride. It will likely be intimate, we will likely keep it chill and close. These are some of the best rides, honestly. The air is cool and crisp and clear, the roads empty.

If however that doesn't happen, if water continues to fall from the sky, we will not ride. We will postpone this until next week, by which point, we promise, we will find some other clever (or perhaps lazy and half-assed) way to make the theme make sense. (It will be a challenge. We like challenges.) (Actually, a few ideas already spring to mind. Maybe it won't be that much of a challenge.)

Or maybe, if it is still raining but not too much, we will show up and get some donuts and wait a little bit to see if it lets up. And if it does we will ride. And if it still doesn't or if no one shows up because this is just too much uncertainty for anybody to take or because you all would rather just cuddle up with your loved ones and a nice hot cup of whatever hot beverage you prefer in your cup, well maybe we will go bowling. Or maybe we will go get ourselves a hot cup of something.


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